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Le Deal du moment : -55%
BODUM Bistro Set : Théière filtre 1 L + ...
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 l tell you.Thanks!

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l tell you.Thanks! Empty
MessageSujet: l tell you.Thanks!   l tell you.Thanks! Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 6:49

Hello. What does ProCoder 2 do? Is it shareware? Even though I am not having any problems, it is best to keep current. I assume it compresses does it do anything else? I am quite impressed with Ripit4me because it logs what it and the other processes did to the disk. There is concererable clean up after the rip. That clean up effects the final product.I rate DeFab Express higher (the shareware ripper by DeFab) than Anywhere. The get their releases out quicker back when I cared they were weeeks to a month ahead of Anywhere. I only had one problem with Express. If you go DeFab route I STRONGLY recomend using FixVTS. It gets rid of junk and insures the video sequences 'flow' one into the next.
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